Time: 06:30-20:05
Weather: F3-4 W, dry, good visibility & warm.
Observers: Niall
T. Keogh, Alan Clewes, Geoff Clewes, Dave
Cooper, John Cooper, Victor Caschera, Neal
Warnock, Malcolm Goodman, Andy Clifton, 'Er' Neill Hunt, 'Mickey Boy'
Mike Stocker, Paul 'Trops' Thomason, John 'Brick' Dempsey, Barry 'Bazzo'
McCarthy, Andy Pryce, Des Higgins, Brian Porter, Owen Foley, Conor
Foley, Donal Foley, Robert Vaughan, Shane Farrell, Steve Millar, Jim Creamer, Mark Stewart, Ciaran
Smyth, Laragh Smyth, Anthony McGeehan, Lee Gregory, Stewart Ford, Roy Teale et al.
Balearic Shearwater: 3
Sooty Shearwater: 50
Manx Shearwater: c.1,900 in 3 hrs (pm)
Leach's Petrel: 3
Storm Petrel: 2
Great Skua (Bonxie): 26
Pomarine Skua: 5 pale phase
Arctic Skua: 25
Long-tailed Skua: 1 juvenile (Owen Foley)
Sabine's Gull: 2 adults & 1 juvenile
Sandwich Tern: 1
Arctic Tern: 50
Grey Phalarope: 1Whimbrel: 29
Minke Whale: 1
Common Dolphin: 1
Ocean Sunfish: 1
A few nice highlights today in the form of a ultra slim juv Long-tailed Skua, the first juv Sabine's Gull of the season & a Minke Whale.
Passage generally slow in the morning & early afternoon but a good flow of Manxies picking up later in the day which produced the much sought after Barolo Shearwater for three lucky seawatchers positioned on The Fodry, just West of The Bridges. Rather gripping for those of us at 'The Hollow', but at least we know there's one out there. Here's hoping for some milling feeding flocks tomorrow!